Friday, February 1, 2008


I finally decided to update my blog.
This was personaly due to the unlimited amount of requests. lol

My very first post for the year 2008.
January is gone by the wind.

Here comes February.
My February resolution for the year is to stop arguing with niresh. He always has something to say for everything i do and say. He says something and I say something and we end up arguing and I get so pissed. So, i think i should start talking a little and stop arguing with that boy. Trust me, you will never be able to talk to him and that's what makes him so special.

Okay, enough of that. It's after all a resolution.
College is so much fun with all these people around me all the time :

Ju ~ she goes lolipop-ing and snaps pictures all the time
Kit ~ the cutest living teddy bear which i never managed to find in the stores but at disted
Niresh ~ one who I love talking to all the time even if we argue
Kas ~ she gets 'STIMULATED' for everything
Anand ~ scolds me for everything =(
Joel ~ a clown who puts a smile on my face all the time
Narein ~ my angel

Today, kas and I made nireshy, ju and kit wait just because we didn't want to skip tutorial. I felt so bad. They waited despite me telling them to go. I love you all. Thanks a lot.

We went to some place in Prima Tanjung for lunch. 6 of us were sardined in kit's car. Poor Whitey! Guess what we were late for Miss Loo's chemistry. Niresh came up with his so called 'brilliant' ideas saying that he went to the mosque to pray (he praying should be the joke of the year). During chemistry Niresh ditched us at the back and went to the front. He impressed Miss Loo (she didn't say a word about being humble).

It's the first day of my new resolution and I tried my very best not to ARGUE with him.
yay! around of applause for that..


Niresh said...

love talking to you too :D

JuLi said...

hahaa..but you did argude a little...but compared to other had improved!*claps and cheers*

Her said...

oo.. after i stop .. u ppl have fun a. no fair.. i wanna cry